Particle Physics

Fundamental Fields

There are four fundamental fields that fill the universe. An excitation of a field is called a particle. The spin of a particle is a measure of its intrinsic angular momentum.

Field Symbol Spin
Higgs h 0
spin ƨ ½
darill д 1
spin g 2


The Higgs field gives particles their mass in much the same way as the spin field imparts angular momentum.

Spin Field

The spin field gives particles their spin. Different values of spin are due to the different coupling strengths between the spin field and any other given field.


It would not be altogether inaccurate to consider the darill as the fundamental particle. Darill form all non-fundamental particles and are the main topic of this work.


Gravity is mediated by the graviton.

Behaviour at Different Scales

Small scale

The dynamics of individual darill are poorly understood. On the smallest scale they display chaotic behaviour, interacting with gravity and with themselves.

Medium scale

What we call reality is an emergent property. Water waves on the ocean can act as an analogy. A water wave is made of molecules, but its structure comes from bulk movement. In fact, while a wave can travel across the entire Pacific, an individual molecule may only move a small distance. Darill act the same way.

On this scale, the collective behaviour of darill can be treated as if they formed (quasi)particles or complices (singular: complex). Any specific darill will only be involved in a particle momentarily. However, it is useful to model this complex as containing a certain number of valence darill. They each have a positive (+1, ↑) or negative (-1, ↓) intrinsic charge, which can correspond with an induced charge under specific circumstances.


There are four interactions that only couple with darill when they form complexes. These are the electromagnetic, the strong, and the weak forces, as well as the Higgs interaction. Of these, the last is mediated by a fundamental boson, while the others are mediated by quasiparticles.

For the electromagnetic and strong forces, the induced charge is the product of the intrinsic charge and a given charge constant. Particles can only move freely if they have particular values of the induced charge. The lowest positive non-zero charge is defined as one quantum of that charge.

The inverse of the freedom rule is not necessarily true — there are particles of integral charge that cannot be seen moving freely.

Higgs field

The Higgs field gives some particles mass. Its coupling strength can vary with different complexes, and so particle mass is variable.


When the electromagnetic force interacts with a complex, it induces an electric charge of ⅙ of the intrinsic charge.

Strong force

When the strong force interacts with a complex, it induces a color charge of ⅓ of the intrinsic charge.

Weak force

The weak force is involved in rearranging darill. There are a number of types of charge that can be induced under this interaction, some of which can also be induced even in non-valence darill. They are heavily dependent on the circumstances, and are not easily calculated as they are not necessarily proportional to intrinsic charge. The mechanics of the weak force on darill are thereby beyond the scope of this work.


Fermions and Bosons

A particle with integer spin (0, 1, 2…) is a boson, while a particle with half-integer spin (1/2, 3/2, 5/2…) is a fermion. Two fermions cannot occupy the same state, but the same is not true of bosons.

Matter and Antimatter

Two particles of identical mass with properties of the opposite sign are antiparticles. For instance, a particle with +1 charge will have an antiparticle with -1 charge. Uncharged particles may have antiparticles if they have other properties with opposite sign, or they may be their own antiparticles.

Of a particle-antiparticle pair, one is arbitrarily labelled as matter, the other antimatter. In this document, antimatter particles have the prefix anti-, and appear with an overbar ().


A pair of darill form a neutrino (ν). These only interact with gravity and the weak force. Neutrinos are massless, and are their own antiparticle.

↑↑ halvon ч grain з
↓↓ antihalvon ч antigrain з

Three darill of the same charge, (↑↑↑) or (↓↓↓), form a halvon. Particles involving a halvon interact with the electromagnetic force.


Three darill of different charges, (↑↑↓) or (↓↓↑), form a grain. Particles involving a grain interact with the strong force.


Hextuples consist of two triplets.

ч з ч з
ч charged lepton photon γ large quark q small antiquark q
ч charged antilepton small quark q large antiquark q
з bigrain ф gluon g
з antibigrain ф
Charged Leptons

The charged leptons have spin 1/2, electric charge ±1, and color charge 0.

Generation Name Symbol
1 electron e
2 muon μ
3 tau τ
4 yaon я

The photon is its own antiparticle. It has no mass and no charge. It is the carrier for the electromagnetic force.


Quarks have spin 1/2 and color charge ±1/3. Large quarks have electric charge ±2/3 and small quarks have electric charge ±1/3.

Generation Large Quarks Small Quarks
Name Symbol Name Symbol
Prosaic Poetic Prosaic Poetic
1 up unique u down dream d
2 centre charm c side strange s
3 top truth t bottom beauty b
4 left love l right rhyme r

Gluons have electric charge 0 and overall color charge 0. They carry the strong force.


Bigrains have electric charge 0 and color charge ∓1/3. They are only found within nucleons.

Massive gauge bosons
чч чч чч
зз x y v
зз w z w
зз v y x

Large Scale

Only about 15% of darill can be found forming quasiparticles at any one time. The rest do not interact via the electromagnetic or strong forces. Gravity is the dominant force at these scales, as it is the only long-range force that interacts with the darill sea.